I posted a version of the following post two years ago, but I think there is value in posting again. We have just crossed the threshold in 2025. A fresh new year. A “do-over,” if you will. Many will make difficult resolutions that even the most determined can’t keep. (Being nicer to some of your in-laws may be one of them!) I am not a big fan of many resolutions, but I believe there is one resolution worth making AND keeping. It is one that benefits you and your loved ones and is relatively easy to keep.


How about just one resolution in 2025? The resolution to update or create your estate plan.

Why not take advantage of my experienced estate planning services and get your “house in order” for 2025? At a minimum, let’s draw up your will. You might want to consider a trust. If you don’t know what that is, no worries. I’ll explain what it is and you can decide if it will benefit you and your family. Then we’ll create your healthcare directives and a living will, and just like that, we’ll be done!  


Estate Planning Services Make it Easy 

I promise you, it won’t be as difficult as you might imagine. Certainly not like trying to lose 20 pounds! Nor will it be complicated. That’s the benefit of hiring an estate planning attorney like me. As the client, you don’t need to know anything about estate planning laws. You don’t need to know any of the legal jargon. You don’t even need to know what you need! That’s what estate planning services providers are for – we do the heavy lifting for you. 


Estate Planning Services Are for Everyone 

Here in Cincinnati, estate planning services are widely available. And, assuming you work with a seasoned estate planning attorney like me, that individual will have years of experience to draw on. So, regardless of your marital status, your age, or where you are in your career, an experienced estate planning attorney will know how to help you protect your family, as well as your hard-earned assets. 


Estate Planning Services are Not Just for the Wealthy

One last comment about estate planning services here in Cincinnati. People hear the word “estate” and immediately think it means “wealth.” Only those living in mansions, driving fancy cars, and owning several vacation homes need estate planning services. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Your “estate” is valuable to you and your family. It deserves the protection the laws can provide just as much as the assets of the wealthy. Even more important, having an estate plan, including a will and trust, can protect your loved ones from going through probate if you die. Your heirs will be grateful knowing you cared enough to “get your house in order” for them.  


Estate Planning Services Deliver Peace of Mind 

One last comment about estate planning services. Consider making 2025 the year you take action. In addition to protecting your assets and your loved ones, you give yourself the gift of peace of mind. And that can be priceless! 


I would be honored to help you update or create your estate plan. Call 513-399-7526 or visit www.davidlefton.com to schedule time with me early in January! It will be one resolution you can say you kept!