I bet you didn’t know there was a “National Estate Planning Awareness Week,” did you? Most don’t, but then if there are weeks or days dedicated to silliness like National Pumpkin Spice Day (10/1), National Golf Lover’s Day (10/4), or National American Beer Day (coming up 10/27), why not a week dedicated to something as necessary to EVERYONE as estate planning?


You may be surprised to learn that “National Estate Planning Awareness Week” was adopted in 2008 to help the public understand what estate planning is and why it is such a vital component of financial wellness. The idea is to actively promote the importance of estate planning to all Americans at least annually. Too many believe estate planning is just for the rich and famous. Nothing could be further from the truth! If you own a home or a vehicle and have children, estate planning is right for you. And if you’re single or divorced, without children, estate planning is right for you. In fact, there are very few situations where estate planning isn’t appropriate.  


Let me tell you what estate planning can do for you, even if you’re NOT wealthy. You can ensure your loved ones aren’t left with a confusing financial mess when you die. It can help ensure your beneficiaries don’t become embroiled in relationship-ending arguments over who gets what when you pass on. It can save your loved ones time and money by avoiding probate. It can even ensure your pets are cared for after you’re gone. Most importantly, it can be the kindest, most loving act you can bestow on your loved ones, demonstrating that you thought of them and made plans in advance to protect them.


Why not take this opportunity to work with me to create or update your estate plan? It’s the right thing to do, and I promise you’ll enjoy incredible peace of mind when you’ve taken this loving step for your loved ones.


Call me at 513-399-7526 or visit my website, www.davidlefton.com, to learn more.