Who is nearest and dearest to your heart?

In reviewing the past few months’ blog posts I realized the ones that resonated most with me are the ones that address the impact on loved ones when someone dies without a will and trust.  Leaving your spouse, or your children, or even your pets, without having your affairs in order simply guarantees they will suffer from your loss even more.  We have all heard the horror stories; adult children arguing over money, real estate, or sentimental items, and never speaking to one another again.  Spouses left in the dark about financial affairs.  Even pets being abandoned or put down because no one was designated or prepared to care for them.  None of us want our loved ones to suffer more than necessary; be they two or four-footed.   Having an estate plan gives you peace of mind knowing that you’ve done what you can for your loved ones.   If you don’t have an estate plan yet, or you do but it needs updating, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

See below for links to three recent blogs posts that might encourage you to take action for your loved ones.

My Best,
David H.Lefton